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Harmonising Body + Mind: Wellness Journey with Mindfulness + EFT

Imagine yourself as the inner Rose, a unique bloom waiting to flourish in your Rose garden. Each petal represents your emotions, experiences and essence, while the thorns symbolise the challenges and emotional blocks that can weigh you down. As you journey through life, it is easy for the thorns to overshadow your beauty and prevent your petals from opening to the light. With the right care and nurturing, you can begin to flourish, embracing your full potential.

This is where the magic of merging Mindfulness and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), referred to as Tapping comes into play. Mindfulness invites you to connect with your inner Rose, helping you recognise the areas that need attention, while EFT gently prunes away the emotional weeds, allowing your true beauty to radiate. Together, these practices create a harmonious synergy, fostering a sense of balance and wellness within your body and mind.

The Magic of Mindfulness + EFT

Mindfulness is the art of being present, like basking in the warmth of the sun, fully aware of how you feel, without judgment. It allows you to notice the subtle sensations in your body—the tightness, the calm, the flickers of emotion. It is as if you are walking through your inner Rose garden, acknowledging each bloom and thorn with curiosity.

EFT complements this by giving you gardener's tools to release what is no longer serving you. Tapping on specific acupressure points clears the emotional weeds, helping your body and mind sparkle as the old, stuck energy dissolves. Together, Mindfulness and EFT create a synergy that nurtures your whole being, allowing you to blossom and flourish.


Step-by-Step EFT Tapping Sequence for Body + Mind Harmony

Before we start, take a moment to check in with yourself and assess how you are currently feeling about your ability to harmonise your body and mind.

Ask yourself:

  1. Where do I feel tension or imbalance in my mind or body right now?

  2. What emotions or thoughts are blocking me from feeling fully at ease and in harmony?

On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 represents feeling completely calm and at ease and 10 represents feeling highly stressed or emotionally charged, where would you place yourself? After completing the tapping, we will revisit this number to see if it has shifted.

Step 1: Becoming Aware of Emotional Blocks

Start by bringing awareness to where you feel tight or blocked in your body. Is there tension in your shoulders, heaviness in your chest or maybe a busy mind? Close your eyes and breathe into those spaces, like a Rose gently unfolding in the morning sun.

Setup Statements: Repeat the three Setup statements while tapping on the Side of the Hand point (SOH) which can be found in my free EFT Starter Guide gift:

Side of the Hand (SOH) Point:
  1. "Even though I feel these emotional blocks weighing me down and I have been holding tension in my belly centre, I choose to deeply and completely accept myself."

  2. "Even though there is heaviness in my mind and body, especially in my shoulders and neck [insert where you are feeling the heaviness], I acknowledge this weight and the way it is affecting me."

  3. "Even though I feel stuck with these emotional blocks and tension, I honour how I feel in this moment."

Tapping Points:

Top of Head (TOH): "I feel this heaviness in my body."

Eyebrow (EB): "There is a weight on my neck and shoulders."

Side of Eye (SE): "These emotional blocks feel overwhelming."

Under Eye (UE): "It is hard to let go of this tension."

Under Nose (UN): "I feel stuck with all this emotional weight."

Chin (CH): "This heaviness feels so real right now."

Collarbone (CB): "I can feel the tension throughout my body."

Under Arm (UA): "These emotional blocks are keeping me stuck."

Repeat the tapping round as many times as needed until you feel you have fully acknowledged and become aware of the emotional blocks holding you back. After completing the tapping round, revisit the initial score you gave yourself and see if it has increased, decreased, or remained the same. If the number has decreased, it means you are beginning to release some of the emotional blocks. If it has stayed the same or increased, continue tapping through the sequence, allowing yourself to deeply connect with any remaining tension or discomfort until you notice a shift.


Step 2: Releasing Stress + Inviting Peace

Now that you have acknowledged the tension, let us release the stress and allow your inner Rose to open up. This round focuses on letting go of tension and inviting a deep sense of calm and clarity.

Side of the Hand (SOH) Point:
  1. "Even though my inner Rose has felt overgrown with stress, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself and I release it now."

  2. "Even though my mind and body have been tangled, I acknowledge this entanglement, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself and I am ready to clear space for calm and peace."

  3. "Even though I have felt disconnected, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself and allow my inner Rose to bloom freely."

Tapping Points:

Top of Head (TOH): "Releasing this tension that is holding me back."

Eyebrow (EB): "Letting go of the stress in my body and mind."

Side of Eye (SE): "It is safe to release this stress now."

Under Eye (UE): "Clearing the weeds of doubt and worry."

Under Nose (UN): "Inviting calm and peace into my body."

Chin (CH): "Allowing my mind to sparkle with clarity and balance."

Collarbone (CB): "I deserve to feel calm and connected."

Under Arm (UA): "My inner Rose is blooming, full of peace and harmony."

After completing the tapping round, revisit the initial score you gave yourself and see if it has increased, decreased, or remained the same. If it has stayed the same or increased, continue tapping through the sequence, allowing yourself to deeply connect with any remaining tension or discomfort until you notice a shift.


Step 3: Inviting Harmony + Wellness

With the stress cleared, it is time to invite harmony.

Side of the Hand (SOH) Point:
  1. "Even though I have been holding back, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself and I am now ready to invite full harmony into my life"

  2. "Even though I have struggled with balance, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself and I choose to allow my body and mind to sparkle with wellness."

  3. "Even though I have felt disconnected, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself and I know choose to thrive, bloom and sparkle."

Tapping Points:

Top of Head (TOH): "I am open to harmony and balance."

Eyebrow (EB): "I choose to feel whole and well."

Side of Eye (SE): "My body and mind are working in perfect harmony."

Under Eye (UE): "I invite joy and wellness into every part of me."

Under Nose (UN): "My inner Rose is thriving, blooming beautifully."

Chin (CH): "I am flourishing with peace, pleasure and vitality."

Collarbone (CB): "I deserve to bloom and sparkle with harmony and joy."

Under Arm (UA): "My mind and body are fully aligned, blooming into wellness."

You can revisit this tapping sequence anytime you feel tension building, or when you need to reconnect with your body and mind. Remember, your inner Rose is always there, waiting to bloom and sparkle when you nurture it with loving care and attention.


Inspired to Bloom + Sparkle?

This blog was inspired by my journey, a path that has shown me the beauty of blossoming from within. If you are ready to nurture your inner Rose and experience the harmony of body and mind through Mindfulness and EFT, I am here to guide you. I also have a variety of free resources available on my website, alongside personalised paid services that I offer to guide you on your journey. Let us embark on this together and create the wellness you truly deserve. Contact me today and start blooming + sparkling! 🌹✨

Feel free to leave your thoughts or questions in the comments below - I would love to hear from you!


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