Prepare to be inspired as I journey through the transformative world of Emotional Freedom Techniques, Breathwork and Mindful Living. Reflecting on the poem often attributed to Anaïs Nin (Risk), this adventure reminds me that embracing change and overcoming challenges can lead to incredible self-discovery and personal growth.
As I dive into these life-enhancing practices, you will discover that taking the leap toward a more mindful and balanced life can free you from stagnation, empowering you to become your authentic, sparkling selves. Join me as I unearth resilience, balance and the courage to bloom + sparkle amid life's challenges and stressors, symbolised by thorns and weeds.
Emotional Freedom Techniques: The Garden Tender
Let me explore the bountiful practice of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), the tender gardener of your inner landscape. EFT, often referred to as "tapping," is an evidence-based therapeutic technique that combines principles of traditional Chinese medicine with modern psychology. By tapping on specific meridian points while focusing on a particular emotional or physical issue, EFT helps to release blocked energy, decrease stress and restore balance. Just as a gardener skilfully tends to each plant's unique needs, EFT supports your growth by acknowledging and addressing the emotional roots that hinder your holistic wellness. By incorporating this powerful therapeutic technique into your daily lives, you can nourish the Rose seeds of personal growth and unearth resilience for a more balanced and fulfilling existence.
An example of an EFT Tapping Sequence is the "Basic Recipe" which addresses various aspects of a specific problem or emotional issue.
Tapping Sequence for Overcoming Self-Doubt
Before You Begin
Identify the Issue: Begin by identifying an emotion or situation you would like to work on. Self-doubt could be associated with your career, relationships or personal intentions.
Rate the Intensity: On a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most intense, rate your level of self-doubt. This will help you track your progress.
Set Your Intention: Create a simple setup statement that summarises your feelings of self-doubt, such as "Even though I doubt myself and my abilities, I choose to deeply and completely accept myself."
Tapping Points and Sequence
Side of the Hand (SOH) Point
Location: The fleshy part of the hand on the outer edge below the pinky finger.
Action: Tap gently with the fingertips of your other hand while repeating the setup statement three times:
Setup Statement: "Even though I doubt myself and my abilities, I choose to deeply and completely accept myself."
1. Top of the Head (TOH) Point
Location: Directly on top of the head, in the centre.
Reminder Phrase: "This self-doubt and insecurity I am feeling."
2. Eyebrow (EB) Point
Location: At the beginning of the eyebrow, just above the nose.
Reminder Phrase: "This feeling of inadequacy."
3. Side of the Eye (SE) Point
Location: On the bone at the outer corner of the eye.
Reminder Phrase: "Feeling unsure about myself."
4. Under the Eye (UE) Point
Location: On the bone directly under the eye, in line with the pupil.
Reminder Phrase: "Doubting my abilities."
5. Under the Nose (UN) Point
Location: Between the bottom of the nose and the top of the upper lip.
Reminder Phrase: "All this self-doubt."
6. Chin (CP) Point
Location: Midway between the bottom of the lower lip and the chin.
Reminder Phrase: "Feeling uncertain about myself."
7. Collarbone (CB) Point
Location: Just below the collarbone, about a 2.5cm (an inch) down and 2.5cm to the side.
Reminder Phrase: "These limiting beliefs and lack of confidence."
8. Under the Arm (UA) Point
Location: About four inches below the armpit, in line with the nipple.
Reminder Phrase: "This fear of not being good enough and this self-doubt."
Completing the Sequence
Repeat the Sequence: Go through the tapping sequence 2-3 times, taking deep breaths between rounds.
Reassess the Intensity: After completing the tapping rounds, rate your level of self-doubt again on a scale from 0 to 10. Notice any changes in intensity.
Adjust as Needed: If your self-doubt level is still high, repeat the tapping sequence with a modified setup statement, such as "Even though I still feel some remaining self-doubt, I choose to believe in myself and my abilities." Continue tapping until you feel a sense of relief and empowerment. Seeking guidance from an experienced practitioner can ensure proper technique and support throughout the process.
Breathwork: Nourishing Your Inner Rose Garden
Imagine your inner being as a Rose Garden, filled with beautiful and delicate flowers representing various aspects of your life. Just as a gardener nurtures their Roses with care, breathwork allows you to cultivate and nourish your inner landscape. This practice utilises conscious and intentional breathing techniques to enhance physical, emotional and mental wellness.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Alternate Nostril Breathing is an excellent starting point for beginners. Follow these steps to practice this simple exercise:
Close your right nostril: Using your right hand, gently place your thumb on your right nostril.
Inhale through your left nostril: Allow the breath to flow in smoothly.
Switch nostrils: Pause briefly, then use your ring finger to close your left nostril while releasing your thumb from the right nostril.
Exhale through your right nostril: feeling the breath leave your body.
This technique balances the body's energy and calms the mind, helping you nurture your inner Rose Garden to wellness.
Mindful Living: Blooming in the Present Moment
Mindful Living is the practice of cultivating awareness and fully immersing yourself in the present moment, encouraging a sense of tranquility and clarity. By embracing this approach, you nourish your inner Rose Garden, allowing every facet of your being to thrive with renewed vitality.
Practicing Mindfulness
Observe your thoughts and emotions: As you establish a regular mindfulness practice, start noticing your thoughts, emotions and physical sensations without judgement.
Practice self-compassion: Acceptance promotes self-compassion, emotional stability and resilience, empowering you to face life's challenges and stressors with greater ease and grace.
Cherish each moment: Mindful living inspires you to cherish each moment as it unfolds, embracing the beauty and abundance of your experiences.
So, I invite you to take the first step on this life-changing adventure: begin incorporating Tapping, Breathwork and Mindful Living into your daily routine and witness the profound impact they can have on your overall wellness. Start by dedicating just a few minutes each day to practice these techniques and remember, every small step forward is progress. Embrace your inner sparkle and embark on this enriching process today.🌹✨